Clean your damn room.

“If you can't even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to give advice to the world?” - Jordan B. Peterson

DC Member,

It is good to have strong goals, but it is even more better to create momentum.

When I took over Discomfort Club, I lacked a plan and did not fully get the model.

So, I stressed over ideas on how to start.

Juggling my own business, staying fit at 42, striving to eat healthy, and raising two toddler boys who love to wake up during the night.

I’m constantly thinking.. what can I do to help the 1200+ people in this community?

My subconscious answer ended up being… overthink and do nothing.

Be fearful of not delivering a great experience so instead just do nothing until the right time.

News flash.. there is no such thing as the right time. But there is such thing as creating momentum.

So between my inconsistent sleep, inconsistent workout routine, and inconsistent eating habits, I decided to make a change.

I cleaned my office. Not just once, but every damn day. It’s a main focus now.

To my surprise,

I easily created a 12 week workout plan again.

I signed up for another race to run.

I’m eating even better.

I’m more present as a father.

I’m time blocking my day and being more productive.

I got The Big A## Calendar, picked my 50k Misogi, and planned my entire damn year. (I’m especially excited about camping in the backyard with the boys when July comes.)

In summary, I had to stop thinking about what I can “create” and focused on the “doing.”

I needed the smallest uncomfortable thing that needed doing. Clean your damn room.

Hope this helps someone out there and feel free to reply to chat more.

Next time I’ll talk about how my business is helping homeless people and why it scares the hell out of me.

Until next time.

Give more.
