hate the cold? ☃️ good.

“How do I deal with setbacks, failures, defeats, or other disasters? I actually have a fairly simple way of dealing with these situations, summed up in one word… “Good.”  - Jocko Willink

You have a responsibility to build the highest trusting relationship with yourself. Especially when things suck. There’s many ways to go about this but there’s only one way to do it.

Keep promises to yourself on everything. Smile at the discomfort and face it head on.

One of the most available ways is cold water. Plunge or shower but we’ll get into that in just a minute.

Just know that all discomfort matters. If it’s big or small, it matters just as much. The secret is, make sure you have time to do it and to communicate with yourself.

Often we communicate in our own heads. But the most powerful way is to write it down.

I’m not talking about a journal. Journals are great but they aren’t what gets your most important missions done.

It’s scheduling. Once it’s written down in your schedule, it’s a promise you made with a deadline.

If you want real confidence then provide evidence to yourself that you can do hard things. And that you can do it beyond what you believed you can do.

Usually beyond belief isn’t sitting in the cold plunge longer.. it’s consistently sitting in it every morning, day after day when your inner voice is saying, “maybe tomorrow.”

I say this because it happens and you don’t even realize it’s happening. Everything on my calendar is getting done. Family, workouts, runs, business, I feel great.. almost.

See, my ice barrel needs to be dumped and cleaned. It’s not on my calendar. So it’s not done and I haven’t been in that cold ass water.

My warm mind hasn’t made the attempt to prioritize it because it’s nice and cozy in my office chair.

Starting with a few seconds under water has major health benefits but it’s mostly proof you can do something that sucks.

So here’s my accountability. It’s going on my calendar.

My challenge to you is join me. If it’s once a week, every other day, or every day, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the promise you make to yourself on your calendar.

Takes me 15 mins. I get changed, set my phone to record, 3 mins in the water, and back out to get changed again.

The protocol and benefits are amazing but long winded. For now keep it as simple as the following plus a disclaimer,

Cold Plunge - use a bath tub or any tub, cold water in, 40-59 degrees F (4.4-15 degrees C), 1-3 mins tops.

Cold Shower - at the end of your warm shower, turn it all the way cold, get after it for 1-3 mins.

Let me know if this is already part of your routine or if you plan on adding it. Know I’ll be smiling at the discomfort with you saying, “Good.”

Give More.


PS - Talk to your doctor first if you have medical conditions or concerns. Cold water immersion risks can include shallow water blackout, hypothermia, shock, and other complications especially if you have cardiac, respiratory, or other health issues. Do your due diligence.

I tell you this because I love you and your ability to keep going in a healthy long life. Give More.